JUScampus Course Catalogue
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Prior to registering for a learning activity, you should discuss your participation and receive your manager’s approval. All training should be included in your Learning and Development Plan, located in your Performance Management Agreement.
You can also visit the Canada School of Public Service website to browse and register for public service learning activities aimed to federal public servants. For information related to regional learning events and activities, please consult the respective DW site.
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2021 Supreme Court of Canada Trends Conference
The conference, one in a recurring series, will examine recent trends in the Supreme Court of Canada, particularly under the leadership of Chief Justice Richard Wagner. It will take place May 19, 26 and June 2 via Zoom. It will consist of panel discussions, the Great Debate between two law professors, SCC Jeopardy and a Fireside Chat with Justice Suzanne Côté.

2023 Trends Conference - The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Supreme Court of Canada Multiverse
Our bi-annual conference examining the trends in the country's top court. As usual it will feature a great debate between two academics, a fireside chat with Supreme Court Justice Karakatsanis and several panels with DOJ experts.

2024 HRLS Learning Day: The Charter IRL
Legal professionals are invited to attend the 2024 edition of the bi-annual Human Rights Law Section (HRLS) Learning Day. This year’s edition will explore the impacts and application of the Charter IRL – how the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are impacting the work of Justice professionals and people in the real world.

2024 Paralegal Symposium (recorded)
The two-day agenda will touch on a broad range of interesting topics including artificial intelligence; paralegal mentoring; legal research; legal writing; insights into the role of paralegals on public inquiries/class actions; working on national security files; a hands-on tabletop exercise on project management techniques; and more.

3 hour - Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Providing feedback on the work or behaviour of others can be one of the most difficult tasks that we may perform as individuals, colleagues, supervisors or managers. When feedback is effective, it can build trust, enhance relationships, improve productivity and support the key values of the Department's Code of Conduct.